(If you’re starting to think that all the places I love and will miss are right by my apartment, you’re right).
Heine Brothers', to me, is basically an extension of Carmichael’s. Most of the big, chain bookstores have a coffee shop in them — Heine Brothers' is like Carmichael’s coffee shop. If I’m in Heine for an ice coffee, I then browse Carmichael’s. If I’m at Carmichael’s, I might as well get an Americano. Going for a winter walk in the park? First a quick stop at Carmichael’s to see if our friend is there, then a hot tea to keep my hands warm on the walk.
Chip the Teacup, at the Bardstown-Eastern Heine Brothers
Yes, when I moved here, part of the joy of Heine was the name. “Really? Hiney?” (I’m five). That wore off. But then I realized I could drag myself, half-awake, to the shop for a bag of Uganda Peaberry after waking up late and realizing we’re out of coffee — and still get to work on time. Hello, favorite coffee shop.
I love that Heine Brothers' sends me a postcard for a free birthday drink six months before my birthday (I guess the 11 looked like a 7?). I love that their staff always takes the time to find my Bean Club index card, regardless of the line, and I love that free bag of beans.
I’m sure there’s no shortage of fantastic coffee shops in Cambridge, and I look forward to finding my new favorite. But I looked at a map, and I don’t see anything so close to our new apartment that it’s basically part of it. I’ll miss you, Heine on Longest.