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31 Days of Louisville Love: Please & Thank You


Please & Thank You. There's a lot to love about this coffee shop, and the first thing for me is the name. I know that in my day-to-day, I could use some more "please" and "thank you" and "you're welcome" (and kindly take the time to type it out. Writing "TY" when I help you makes me think you're really not that grateful). 

Anyway, back to the politely-named coffee shop. When we go, Gabe usually checks out the record while I take forever to decide what to order. I love the little plants on the tables and that steamboat poster in the bathroom. I love the back room, which feels huge and is usually empty in the afternoon. It's perfect for working, unless that one guy is loudly conducting his business on the phone. 

And then there's the P&TY fare. I love their hot chocolate and the ganache latte with those big marshmallows. The Spanish latte is perfect when you want just a little sweetness. My favorite on a hot day is the blue and black iced tea (or whatever the one is called with the mint sprig in it -- if I'm calling it the wrong thing, they still know what I'm talking about).  

And of course, the chocolate chip cookies. These are the best in town. If you're trying to pick between something and the chocolate chip cookie, just get both. Plus, Please & Thank You is a short walk from Garage Bar, so that cookie can be post-brunch dessert. 

I will miss you, Please & Thank You. Does anyone know a place in Boston whose hot chocolate comes with big marshmallows? I'm going to need that information. 


31 Days of Louisville Love: Heine Brothers'

(If you’re starting to think that all the places I love and will miss are right by my apartment, you’re right). 

Heine Brothers', to me, is basically an extension of Carmichael’s. Most of the big, chain bookstores have a coffee shop in them — Heine Brothers' is like Carmichael’s coffee shop. If I’m in Heine for an ice coffee, I then browse Carmichael’s. If I’m at Carmichael’s, I might as well get an Americano. Going for a winter walk in the park? First a quick stop at Carmichael’s to see if our friend is there, then a hot tea to keep my hands warm on the walk. 

Chip the Teacup, at the Bardstown-Eastern Heine Brothers

Chip the Teacup, at the Bardstown-Eastern Heine Brothers

Yes, when I moved here, part of the joy of Heine was the name. “Really? Hiney?” (I’m five). That wore off. But then I realized I could drag myself, half-awake, to the shop for a bag of Uganda Peaberry after waking up late and realizing we’re out of coffee — and still get to work on time. Hello, favorite coffee shop. 

I love that Heine Brothers' sends me a postcard for a free birthday drink six months before my birthday (I guess the 11 looked like a 7?). I love that their staff always takes the time to find my Bean Club index card, regardless of the line, and I love that free bag of beans. 

I’m sure there’s no shortage of fantastic coffee shops in Cambridge, and I look forward to finding my new favorite. But I looked at a map, and I don’t see anything so close to our new apartment that it’s basically part of it. I’ll miss you, Heine on Longest.